Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Our Town

A lot has been said, written and done about protecting what we've got. Whether it's our borders, homes, families or way of life. We've come to think whatever it is, is worth keeping, and we don't want it changed. Yet change is inevitable. Sometimes we do it ourselves, and sometimes we get help.

In the film Unforgiven Clint Eastwood said: "It's a hell of a thing killin' a man. Take away all he's got, and all he's ever gonna have." And yet, we go on "protecting". It seems to be one of our strongest survival skills.

I've been spending a lot of dork-time watching this series on the Science channel. Not only are the graphics fantastic, but the show has an interesting way of putting these things in perspective. For example, I grew up in that magical era where we actually practiced ducking under our elementary school desks as our first line of defense should someone throw down a nuclear war.

So I've learned to accept the notion of impending doom since childhood. Only the form of the Destructor has morphed a little since then.

Take the potential comet-strike. Apparently for this our defense is to look deep into space just so we can see it coming. Kind of like ducking under the desk, isn't it? Or the fact that some day, 500 billion years or so in the future, our Sun is going supernova and taking us with it. Grab the SPF 30 trillion.

OK I can live with all that! What the show got me PISSED about was learning that OUR GALAXY, the Milky Way, is in a veritable "Death Dance" with OUR NEIGHBOR, Andromeda. Maybe its going to take several trillion years, but it's going to happen. But hey, relax. They already have a plan. We will become "Milkomeda" (Seriously? That was the best they could come up with?)

I guess what's got me most upset was that I DIDN'T KNOW until a few days ago. I've got some errands to run! And it's not to go get a bigger desk dammit!

I don't know about you, but I'm not going peacefully. Look out Andromeda! Get off the damn shed! Stay the hell out of my galaxy!

Which is a roundabout way of saying - we're all in this together.
Peace on Earth. Good will toward men.

~ Happy 21st Birthday, Princess Stefani ~